No dog ate my sandwich!

Today was like any other work day....alarm at 5:20 A.M., start the coffee, make oatmeal, pour coffee, and enjoy my breakfast.  Charleston, the culprit who inspired this blog, watched me make my lunch, her nails clicking on the kitchen floor as she danced around hoping for a morsel.  Much to her dismay, no morsel made its way to the floor this morning.

My morning routine continued, which includes a nice walk for Charleston, seeing to her every need....and then the discovery of her dirty deed occurred.  As I walked into the living room to gather my stuff to leave for work, Charleston greedily finished off my chicken sandwich....licking every last morsel from the baggy....reluctant to let me have the baggy even as I screeched at her, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

Needless to say, Charleston scurried under the chaise, licking her chops as she fled the crime scene.  Throughout the day I have chuckled to myself as I recalled her mischievousness.  I'm not sure what possessed her to eat my sandwich (BTW, she removed only the sandwich from the lunch bag), and I'm pretty sure that all will be forgiven by the time I return home tonight to be greeted by this furry mongrel who has blessed my life.


  1. Oh Charleston!!! You only live once....good job, baby girl. ;)


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